A well known beverage manufacturer based in Glasgow, had ongoing obsolescence issues with their existing, site-wide, (20+i-Fix nodes) SCADA system. Due to the fragmented, ageing system on site a decision was made to upgrade the full SCADA system to make it more modern, resilient, and secure.
Elite’s engineers started working on the 9-month long project by merging and optimizing the existing databases into a single database. Elite removed numerous duplicate data tags and modernised some of the technologies that were previously used. Various differing versions of the site-wide SCADA node’s were upgraded to the latest revision.
In addition, a total of 9 servers were merged into a single (cloud based) unit whilst the existing servers were all virtualised.
As a result, our client can now merge & expand their plant system with ease and less potential downtime implications. Routine maintenance is easier with regular backups now performed automatically with less strain on the plant resources. The system is significantly more secure and much more flexible for remote access from an administering perspective.
Elite is once again proud to support local business, providing modern and effective engineering solutions to our customers!